Day 1

The plan is simple : 30 minutes on the treadmill in the morning while everyone is still sleeping. Then an hour around the block after dinner with the family. I actually achieved both today. It felt good. Real good. I’ve been so tired [read: lazy] lately. I’m going to try really hard to make this part of my routine everyday, or at least 5 days a week. Heart disease and diabetes run in my family and I want no part of either. A stitch in time, saves nine, right?

On the trail by the house. Who needs a gym?

Birds on a wire. I think I might print this one.

Strawberries from Cindy’s garden. In exchange of watering said garden, we get to enjoy the fresh fruits and veggies while she’s away.
Rami didn’t join on us on our after dinner walk this time because he was working on one of his cars. I think the real reason was that he was stuffed from the dinner I made. Oh, you want to see a picture of that too?

Bam. Move over Chevy’s.
Today also marked day one of more “creative” dinners. It’s been less than 5 years and homeboy is already bored from the dinners I make. I’ve been asked to “stop making the same thing.” So, this is what I came up with today. I’ve made fajitas before, but I’ve never plated it like this. I think it came it out really good. The whole thing didn’t take long to prepare. The guac and salsa were store bought. While the rice cooked, the chicken was under the broiler, and the peppers and onions were being sauteed. The black beans were from a can and just heated up on the stove. Real fast. Very filling. Good thing I got in my hour long walk.