
We go through life with all its ups and downs.  When it’s good, oh man, it is good.  Yet the lows can take us to depths we can’t even imagine resurfacing from.  Sometimes we get so caught up in life with all it’s to-do lists, projects, errands, meetings, distractions, that we lose perspective.

While the circumstances of our recent move looms over our hearts, it is not without realizing how blessed we are to have a way out of the darkness.  While we may not have moved entirely by choice, we were lucky to have the means to move.  We were lucky to find a great house. Lucky to have family and friends step up and make a sudden move possible.  Perspective.

The words of my last post haunt me.  I foolishly compared moving out of a home to “the sudden loss of a loved one.”  How insensitive of a remark!  How dare I compare an inanimate object to a human being?  The sudden loss of a loved one is exactly what has happened.  Since Thursday, in a matter of three days, three relatives have passed away.  To Him we belong and to Him we return.  May Allah have mercy upon their souls and grant them Jennah. {Please pray for them and their families}

During a phone conversation, I exchanged condolences with a cousin.  My aunt. Her grandfather. And later in the day an uncle.  Oh, the grief.  The suffering and loss of the daughters and sons.  The husbands and wives left behind.  The tears and heartache.  To think days prior, I wept in my empty kitchen.  Perspective.

“Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,”When [will come] the help of Allah ?” Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.”  {Qur’an 2:214}

Last week I attended a timely lecture by Yasmin Mogahed in which she discussed dealing with crisis.  She remarked that tribulations and tests are part of the path to Jennah, as stated in the above verse from the Qur’an.  We are put into these situations as a way to come back to Allah.  To return our focus, to not lose perspective of our life’s purpose – pleasing Allah.

She spoke of reaching a complete state of helplessness and being conscious of that point, it is then that we are closest to Allah.  To determine if our hardships in life are blessings or punishments depends on our reaction.  Level 1: Anger and resentment; lack of patience with Allah and His plans.  (May Allah keep our hearts away from this response.) Level 2:  Patience; while it’s painful, we refrain from complaining about Allah, rather we complain to Allah.  Level 3: Contentment – calm even in the face of tribulation.  This level removes sins and elevates you in status.

“….but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Who say, when afflicted with calamity: “To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return”.  They are those on whom (Descend) blessings from Allah, and Mercy, and they are the ones that receive guidance”  {Qur’an 2:155-157}

May Allah ease the hardships, big and small, of those suffering.  May Allah put in place of despair, contentment.  May Allah carry us through pain and loss and reward us with His blessings, mercy and guidance.  May Allah never let us lose perspective of the purpose of this life.  Ameen.



  • Humaira says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. May Allah grant you Sabr and Jannah to your lost loved ones, and to the families of those left behind.

  • Mona says:

    I’m sorry, It’s true sometimes we need a reminder like this to really put things in perspective. I know you’ll make your new place feel like home asap.

  • Iff says:

    I felt sad when i read your post snd hoped that whatever the cause of your move Allah (swt) makes it easy for you and your family to move on, and we all focus on material things and get attached and find it difficult to move on then out the blue Allah puts things in perspective – two days ago my granmother passed away the only granparent I had left may Allah grant her place in jannah, it makes you realise we get lost in the worldly affairs snd death is a reminder of our destination that we arent preparing for as we should. May Allah swt guide us to him and make our difficulties easy. Ameen

  • fatima says:

    inna lillah wa inna ilaihi rajioon. may Allah give you and your family strength and patience during this time.

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