Today, my sweet precious monster of a daughter, you turn two. You love to “read”. (You’re currently sitting in my lap singing as you flip through a board book…
Read MoreToday, my sweet precious monster of a daughter, you turn two. You love to “read”. (You’re currently sitting in my lap singing as you flip through a board book…
Read MoreBecause it’s my birthday. Because I’ve realized that 28 isn’t as bad as I thought it would be at 18. Because sometimes I wish I was still 18. Because I…
Read MoreMy ever so dearest Jenin, Today you turn four. Four years of motherhood, laughter, frustration, amazement, and love. You’ve showed me the wonders of a child’s imagination and the limitlessness…
Read MoreHappy birthday, my love. You’re an excellent father and a wonderful husband. I love you more than you have black Ts. Enjoy your last year in your twenties!
Read More4:30 am and I’m starting to regret whatever it is that I ate. I rush to the bathroom with an icky feeling in my stomach and a cold sweat starting…
Read MoreEver since I saw this photo shoot last year I have been wanting to do it for Jenin. I’m so glad that I got to do it this year. I think…
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