Eid, Recipes11/14/2010 Eid Treats 2010 Cupcakes from the last Eid. Cupcakes and Eid bags all ready for the kids. Sharing a treat with Jenin. Eid is the only time I allow her to indugle with reckless abandon. Share on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + LinkedIn Email You may also like Nescafe Cake 7 Tips for Thoughtful and Creative Eid Gifts Jumping On The Freezer Meal Bandwagon 3 Comments C says: 11/14/2010 at 10:43 pm Asalaamu Alaikum I like the last website: the girl who ate everything. Think I'll try the blondies. fortheloveofyum says: 11/17/2010 at 1:34 am Eid Mubarak, hope your Eid was wonderful! Love the cupcakes! Anonymous says: 11/18/2010 at 12:21 pm Love your blog. How do you cut out all your letters? With a punch? Comments are closed.
Eid Mubarak! Kul sana wa into salmeen sistas! :o) Actually made it to Salah (prayer) on time which is very rare for us. There were a TON of people Mashallah. After prayer we…
Asalaamu Alaikum
I like the last website: the girl who ate everything. Think I'll try the blondies.
Eid Mubarak, hope your Eid was wonderful! Love the cupcakes!
Love your blog. How do you cut out all your letters? With a punch?